1.)After making pictures on my camera, and returning to class, remove the SD card and insert it into the back of the iMac.
2.) The SD card appears on the screen and you click the SD card. Then you click the icon title Nikon 3300to open the folder.
3.) When the folder opens you click on the folder that says DSC and all the photos appear. You click the files and copy them to another folder that is names is the assisiment.
4.) You import files to Lightroom by dragging the folder to the icon of Lightroom.
5.) You click on the pictures you want to edit and click import.
6.)After you click import you will click on the picture you wanna edit.
7.)To sort the pictures from good to bad you press P to flag them to choose them and if you change your mind you click U.
8.) To see the selected pictures you click view, sort by, and pick.
9.)The pictures you picked will appear first and the rest will be behind . The pictures will show on the library but if you wanna edit you click devolp.